Introduction to
Carbon Footprint

We are proud to help companies take responsibility for their environmental impact
and to play an active role in their sustainable journey.


What is a Carbon Footprint Assessment?

A carbon footprint assessment quantifies greenhouse gas emissions from human activities or company processes. The concept of carbon footprints is often divided into three Scopes to comprehensively assess greenhouse gas emissions. Scope 1 includes direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, like on-site fuel combustion. Scope 2 involves indirect emissions from purchased electricity, where the responsibility lies with the energy provider. Lastly, Scope 3 covers a broader spectrum, encompassing indirect emissions from the entire value chain, including suppliers and product lifecycle. Each scope addresses different dimensions of a company's environmental impact, offering a holistic view for effective carbon management. It's a strategic method that recognizes the interdependence of emissions within both an organization and its supply chain, laying the groundwork for more knowledgeable and effective sustainability initiatives.

Emission factors are key parameters that quantify the amount of greenhouse gas emissions released per unit of activity or production. These factors provide a systematic way to assess environmental impact by linking emissions to specific processes or inputs. By utilizing emission factors, organizations can gain insights into the carbon footprint associated with their operations, facilitating a more nuanced understanding of their environmental performance.

Converting data into CO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent, is crucial for simplifying and standardizing the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions. Different greenhouse gases have varying impacts on the environment, and CO2e provides a common metric to express the total impact in terms of carbon dioxide. This conversion allows for a more in depth understanding of the overall contribution to climate change, facilitating transparent communication about environmental impact and aiding in the development of effective strategies to reduce carbon emissions. It's essentially a universal language that helps convey the complexity of our environmental footprint in a clear and actionable way.

Eq: Activity data * Emission Factor = Amount of produced CO2e

A Carbon Footprint assessment can be viewed as a valuable tool for individuals, organizations, and policymakers that want to make informed decisions and implement sustainable practices in line with environmental goals.

Your Carbon Footprint can be divided into 3 Scopes:

What are Scope 1 emissions?

Scope 1 emissions refer to direct greenhouse gas emissions that result from sources owned or controlled by a company. These emissions occur from on-site combustion of fossil fuels, such as the burning of natural gas for heating, the use of gasoline in company-owned vehicles or the unintentional releases of greenhouse gases that escape from facilities or equipment, such as air conditioning systems.

What are Scope 2 emissions?

Scope 2 emissions represent the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of purchased energy consumed by an entity. These emissions arise from the generation of electricity, heating, or cooling that a company acquires from external sources. The emissions result from the combustion of fossil fuels or other processes involved in the external production of the energy consumed by the company, providing an assessment of the environmental impact related to energy consumption beyond the company's operational boundaries.

What are Scope 3 emissions?

Scope 3 emissions are the most comprehensive category in greenhouse gas accounting, covering a company's entire product and service life cycle beyond its direct operations. These emissions include indirect impacts from upstream activities like raw material extraction, transportation, and manufacturing, as well as downstream activities like distribution, product use, and disposal. Assessing Scope 3 emissions provides a more complete and precise measure of a company's carbon footprint, integrating all stages of its supply chain and product life cycle.


Start your Carbon
Footprint Assessment

ECONOS is proud to operate a Carbon Footprint assessment software specialized for large companies in Romania, capable of computing a Scope 1, 2 & 3 carbon footprint analysis automatically in a faster and more efficient way.

At ECONOS, we have been trusted by companies which operate in diverse activity sectors. Equipped with a broad portfolio and abundant experience, we have the necessary expertise to conduct thorough Carbon Footprint assessments.

EU Objective

In line with the European Union's objective of becoming the first carbon neutral continent by 2050, it is essential for companies to calculate their carbon emissions. The new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require large companies based in the EU to report a mandatory carbon assessment from next year.

Easy Process

We believe that calculating your Carbon Footprint should be an easy and transparent process, and for this, we operate a digital platform for carbon accounting, ensuring ISO compliance, multi-language interface, and easy adaptability to cater to each customer's unique requirements. This platform not only simplifies the carbon analysis process but also makes it reliable and even enjoyable.

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